Sa Supermarket Chain Tests Gps Trackers On Meat Containers To Deter Theft

"Learn how a Sa Supermarket Chain chain is combating theft by trialing GPS trackers on meat containers, aiming to enhance security measures and deter potential thieves effectively."


4/3/20241 min read

Sa Supermarket Chain Tests
Sa Supermarket Chain Tests

Some South Australian supermarkets have begun testing GPS trackers on packages containing fine cuts of meat in a bid to deter theft Drakes Supermarket began testing a polycarbonate product three weeks ago.

According to director John-Paul Drake, taking it out of the store without paying the right amount triggers warnings. The test is currently being conducted at North Haven and Eyre stores, focusing on higher-priced meats such as wagyu meat, which cost between $50 and $100 per pound

In the event that a person leaves the store inadvertently or otherwise without paying for bulk meat, the store must be notified immediately

Mr. Drake expressed promising prospects of addressing the $12 million annual theft from Drake stores, stressing the financial burden imposed by the requirement to pay $35 per item stolen emphasize.

He likened the situation to a constant security check on the store premises.

While the Australian Retailers' Association's Fleur Brown acknowledged there had been an increase in theft incidents, she highlighted the increase in security measures taken by retailers, particularly for high-value items such as stolen meat, which have increased contains, possibly linked to organized crime.

Police Commissioner Grant Stevens said a number of factors contributed to the rise in retail thefts, including financial pressure, and stressed that South Australian Police was committed to vigorously investigating such incidents

SA Police statistics show that shoplifting has increased by a staggering 30% in the past year, with 1,720 incidents reported across the country in January alone, taking the total to more than 18,400 in the previous year.

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